Jamshedpur是什么意思 Jamshedpur的读音、翻译、用法

Jamshedpur是什么意思 Jamshedpur的读音、翻译、用法



1. Jamshedpur 是印度的第一个完全规划过的工业城市。

(Jamshedpur is India's first fully planned industrial city.)

2. 印度钢铁公司在 Jamshedpur 拥有世界上最大的钢铁生产工厂之一。

(Tata Steel has one of the largest steel production facilities in the world in Jamshedpur.)

3. Jamshedpur 是一个多文化的城市,拥有来自不同地区和宗教的人们。

(Jamshedpur is a multicultural city with people from different regions and religions.)

4. 在 Jamshedpur 的街头,你可以看到不同种类的食品摊位和小吃车。

(On the streets of Jamshedpur, you can find different types of food stalls and food carts.)

5. Jamshedpur 的景点包括豪华住宅、公园和博物馆等。

(Attractions in Jamshedpur include luxurious residences, parks and museums.)

6. Jamshedpur 还是一个重要的商业中心,拥有许多国际和本地公司。

(Jamshedpur is also an important business center with many international and local companies.)

7. Jamshedpur 的居民在冬季会庆祝一个名为“Maghe Parab”的节日。

(Residents of Jamshedpur celebrate a festival called "Maghe Parab" during the winter season.)

8. Jamshedpur 有许多学校和大学,吸引着来自全国各地的学生。

(Jamshedpur has many schools and universities, attracting students from all over the country.)

9. Jamshedpur 是印度东部最发达的城市之一,也是该地区的重要交通枢纽。

(Jamshedpur is one of the most developed cities in eastern India and is also an important transportation hub for the region.)

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