Eucalyptus marginata是什么意思 Eucalyptus marginata的读音、翻译、用法

Eucalyptus marginata是什么意思 Eucalyptus marginata的读音、翻译、用法

'Eucalyptus marginata'是澳大利亚的英语。它是一种被广泛种植的桉树,被称为'Jarrah',通常用于建筑和家具制作。此外,它还有许多药用和生态价值。

以下是9个含有'Eucalyptus marginata'的例句:

1. The leaves of Eucalyptus marginata are used in traditional medicine to treat headaches and colds.('Eucalyptus marginata'的叶子被用于传统医学中治疗头痛和感冒。)

2. Jarrah wood, taken from the Eucalyptus marginata tree, is highly valued for its strength and durability.(从'Eucalyptus marginata'树中取出的'Jarrah'木材因其强度和耐久性而备受推崇。)

3. The Eucalyptus marginata tree can grow up to 40 meters tall.('Eucalyptus marginata'树可以长到40米高。)

4. The honey produced from the flowers of Eucalyptus marginata is highly sought after for its unique flavor.(从'Eucalyptus marginata'的花中产生的蜂蜜因其独特的味道而备受追捧。)

5. Many species of birds and insects rely on Eucalyptus marginata for food and habitat.(许多物种的鸟类和昆虫都依靠'Eucalyptus marginata'的食物和栖息地。)

6. The bark of Eucalyptus marginata is a rich source of tannins that are used in tanning leather.('Eucalyptus marginata'的树皮是一种富含单宁酸的来源,常用于皮革鞣制。)

7. Eucalyptus marginata is a popular choice for landscaping due to its attractive appearance and low maintenance requirements.('Eucalyptus marginata'由于外观迷人,维护要求低而成为园林景观设计的热门选择。)

8. The essential oil extracted from the leaves of Eucalyptus marginata is used in aromatherapy and as a natural insect repellent.(从'Eucalyptus marginata'叶子中提取的精油被用于芳香疗法和作为天然驱虫剂。)

9. Eucalyptus marginata is a keystone species in many Australian ecosystems, providing a vital role in maintaining biodiversity.('Eucalyptus marginata'是许多澳大利亚生态系统中的关键物种,对维持生物多样性起着重要作用。)

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