servil是什么意思 servil的读音、翻译、用法

servil是什么意思 servil的读音、翻译、用法



1. He is so servil to his boss, it's hard to respect him. (他对老板非常奴性,很难尊敬他。)

2. She has a servil attitude towards those in authority. (她对权威人物表现出谄媚的态度。)

3. The servant had a servil demeanor as he greeted his master. (仆人向主人问好时表现出卑屈的姿态。)

4. His servil behavior disgusts me. (他的低声下气的行为让我感到恶心。)

5. She was criticized for her servil behavior at work. (她因在工作中表现出谄媚而受到批评。)

6. The politician's servil attempts to please the voters backfired. (政治家谄媚选民的企图失败了。)

7. Her servil flattery towards the CEO made me cringe. (她对CEO的拍马屁让我感到惊恐。)

8. He behaved in a servil manner towards his superiors, hoping for a promotion. (他对上级表现出低微的态度,希望得到升职。)

9. The servil behavior of the dog towards its owner made him feel guilty. (狗对主人的奴性行为让他感到内疚。)

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