"Su Shi"这个词语来源于汉语,指的是中国古代著名的文学家苏轼。常见的翻译有Su Shi、Su Dongpo、苏轼、苏东坡等。这个词语通常用于介绍或讨论苏轼的生平、文学作品等相关内容。
以下是9个包含“Su Shi”的例句:
1. 苏轼的《东坡奉使岭南图》是中国绘画史上的经典之作。
(Su Shi's "The Picture of Dongpo's Journey to Lingnan" is a classic in Chinese painting history.)
2. 在文学史上,苏轼是宋代文坛的一位巨擘。
(In literary history, Su Shi is a giant in the literary world of the Song Dynasty.)
3. 苏轼曾经在黄州任职,留下了许多脍炙人口的故事。
(Su Shi once served in Huangzhou and left many popular stories.)
4. 《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》是苏轼的名作之一。
("Nian Nu Jiao·Chi Bi Huai Gu" is one of Su Shi's masterpieces.)
5. 作者在此处引用了苏轼的《答少陵野老繁霜序》。
(The author quoted Su Shi's "Answer to Shao Ling's Old Man's Fan Shuang Xu" here.)
6. 苏轼的诗歌以其豪放洒脱、清新自然而闻名于世。
(Su Shi's poetry is famous for its unrestrained and natural style.)
7. 赤壁之战是苏轼笔下的历史经典,被后人广为传颂。
(The Battle of Chibi is a historical classic in Su Shi's writings, and has been widely circulated by later generations.)
8. 苏轼的《水调歌头》是中国古代文学史上的里程碑。
(Su Shi's "Shui diao ge tou" is a milestone in the history of ancient Chinese literature.)
9. 苏轼的人生经历成为后人探讨的重要研究对象。
(Su Shi's life experience has become an important research subject for later generations.)