brodifacum是什么意思 brodifacum的读音、翻译、用法

brodifacum是什么意思 brodifacum的读音、翻译、用法



1. Brodifacum is a type of rodenticide used to control pests like mice and rats. (‘brodifacum’是一种用于控制老鼠等害虫的杀鼠剂。)

2. Brodifacum was first introduced in the 1970s and is still widely used today. (‘brodifacum’最初在xx年代引入,现在仍然广泛使用。)

3. The use of brodifacum can be dangerous if not handled properly. (如果使用不当,‘brodifacum’的使用会带来危险。)

4. Brodifacum can be found in various forms including pellets, blocks and powders. (‘brodifacum’可以以颗粒、块状和粉末等多种形式存在。)

5. Brodifacum works by preventing blood clotting, leading to internal bleeding and ultimately death. (‘brodifacum’可以通过防止凝血,导致内出血并最终致死。)

6. Brodifacum is toxic to other animals as well, including pets and wildlife. (‘brodifacum’对其他动物也有毒性,包括宠物和野生动物。)

7. Brodifacum should be stored in a secure location away from children and pets. (应将‘brodifacum’存放在远离儿童和宠物的安全位置。)

8. If you suspect that someone has been exposed to brodifacum, seek medical attention immediately. (若怀疑有人接触了‘brodifacum’,应立即寻求医疗救助。)

9. Brodifacum is a restricted pesticide that can only be used by licensed professionals. (‘brodifacum’是一种受限制的杀虫剂,只能由持有许可证的专业人员使用。)

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