'Pinus jeffreyi'是英语中的词语,中文名称为“杰弗里松”,是一种常绿针叶树种,分布于北美洲西部地区的山地、高海拔地区。它的树干通常很高,树冠排列整齐,可以生长到50米高。杰弗里松的树皮是灰棕色或灰白色的,树针通常是20-30厘米长。
1. The forests in California are dominated by Pinus jeffreyi.(加州的森林以杰弗里松为主)
2. Pinus jeffreyi is also known as Jeffrey pine.(杰弗里松也被称为杰弗里松松)
3. The wood of Pinus jeffreyi is often used for construction.(杰弗里松的木材常用于建筑)
4. The cones of Pinus jeffreyi are about 15–30 cm long.(杰弗里松的松果长约15-30厘米)
5. Pinus jeffreyi is more drought-tolerant than other species in the area.(杰弗里松比该地区的其他树种更耐旱)
6. The needles of Pinus jeffreyi have a strong resinous smell.(杰弗里松的树针有强烈的树脂气味)
7. The seeds of Pinus jeffreyi are dispersed by wind.(杰弗里松的种子是由风传播的)
8. Pinus jeffreyi is an important timber species in the western United States.(杰弗里松是美国西部重要的木材树种)
9. The bark of Pinus jeffreyi is thick and deeply fissured.(杰弗里松的树皮厚而深裂)