Paul Bremer是什么意思 Paul Bremer的读音、翻译、用法

Paul Bremer是什么意思 Paul Bremer的读音、翻译、用法

'Paul Bremer'是英语词汇,中文翻译为“保罗·布雷默”。Paul Bremer是美国政治家和外交官,曾在伊拉克战争后的伊拉克占领期间担任美国驻伊拉克临时行政长官(2003-xx年)。他是伊拉克变革的主要执行者和指导者之一,领导着伊拉克的政治和经济重建工作。此外,他还曾在国务院和其他政府部门中担任高级职务。

以下是含有“Paul Bremer”的九个例句:

1. Paul Bremer served as the U.S. administrator in Iraq during the country's transitional period after the war.(保罗·布雷默在伊拉克战争后的过渡期间担任美国驻伊拉克行政长官。)

2. Under Paul Bremer's leadership, the Coalition Provisional Authority oversaw the reconstruction of Iraq's infrastructure.(在保罗·布雷默的领导下,联合临时管理局监督了伊拉克基础设施的重建。)

3. Paul Bremer was criticized for his decision to disband the Iraqi army after the war, which many believed fueled the insurgency.(保罗·布雷默因在战后解散伊拉克军队的决定而受到批评,许多人认为这助长了叛乱。)

4. During Paul Bremer's tenure in Iraq, he implemented a number of controversial policies, including the de-Ba'athification campaign.(在保罗·布雷默任职伊拉克期间,他实施了许多有争议的政策,包括去掉波党成员的活动。)

5. After leaving Iraq, Paul Bremer wrote a memoir about his experiences titled "My Year in Iraq: The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope."(离开伊拉克后,保罗·布雷默写了一本关于自己经历的回忆录,题为“我在伊拉克的xx年:奋斗,建立充满希望的未来。”)

6. In 2004, Paul Bremer received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States.(xx年,保罗·布雷默获得了美国最高的民事荣誉——总统自由勋章。)

7. Paul Bremer's leadership in Iraq was heavily criticized by some politicians and analysts, who argued that his policies were ineffective and counterproductive.(一些政治家和分析人士严厉批评保罗·布雷默在伊拉克的领导,认为他的政策无效且适得其反。)

8. In addition to his work in Iraq, Paul Bremer also served as the U.S. ambassador to the Netherlands and as the chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism.(除了在伊拉克的工作外,保罗·布雷默还曾担任美国驻荷兰大使和国家反恐委员会主席。)

9. Despite the criticism he faced for his handling of the Iraq War, Paul Bremer remains a controversial figure in American politics and foreign policy.(尽管在处理伊拉克战争方面受到批评,保罗·布雷默仍是美国政治和外交政策中备受争议的人物。)

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