1. 我们今天在茶庄园品尝Darjeeling茶。
We tasted Darjeeling tea in the tea estate today.
2. 她的厨房里总是放着一盒Darjeeling茶。
There is always a box of Darjeeling tea in her kitchen.
3. 这种茶叶是从Darjeeling山脉的高海拔地区采摘的。
This tea is harvested from high altitude areas of Darjeeling mountains.
4. Darjeeling茶拥有独特的香气和口感。
Darjeeling tea has a unique aroma and taste.
5. 我是一名茶叶收购商,我喜欢采购来自Darjeeling的茶叶。
I am a tea buyer and I like to purchase tea from Darjeeling.
6. 这是我第一次品尝Darjeeling茶,我真的很喜欢。
This is my first time tasting Darjeeling tea and I really like it.
7. Darjeeling茶庄园吸引了很多游客来参观。
Darjeeling tea estates attract many tourists for sightseeing.
8. Darjeeling是印度东北部著名的旅游城市之一。
Darjeeling is one of the famous tourist cities in Northeast India.
9. 我很喜欢在早上喝一杯热的Darjeeling茶。
I like to have a hot cup of Darjeeling tea in the morning.