new是什么意思 new的读音、翻译、用法

new是什么意思 new的读音、翻译、用法



1. new car(新车)

2. new phone(新手机)

3. new shoes(新鞋)

4. new clothes(新衣服)

5. new song(新歌)

6. new book(新书)

7. new technology(最新技术)

8. new trend(新趋势)

9. new year(新年)


1. I just bought a new car.(我刚买了一辆新车。)

2. My new phone has a better camera.(我的新手机有更好的相机。)

3. These are my new shoes.(这是我的新鞋子。)

4. I need to buy new clothes for the party.(我需要为聚会买新衣服。)

5. Have you heard the new song by Taylor Swift?(你听过泰勒·斯威夫特的新歌吗?)

6. I'm excited to read the new book by my favorite author.(我很兴奋地读我最喜欢的作家的新书。)

7. The company is investing in new technology.(这家公司正在投资最新技术。)

8. The new trend is to eat vegan food.(新趋势是吃素食。)

9. Happy new year!(新年快乐!)

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