refutable是什么意思 refutable的读音、翻译、用法

refutable是什么意思 refutable的读音、翻译、用法




1. The hypothesis that all swans are white is refutable if black swans are observed.(如果观察到黑天鹅,那么“所有天鹅都是白色”的假设就可以被反驳。)

2. The theory of evolution is refutable, but so far it has not been successfully disproven.(进化论是可反驳的,但到目前为止还没有成功地被证伪。)

3. The claim that vaccines cause autism has been refuted by numerous scientific studies.(“疫苗会导致自闭症”的说法已经被许多科学研究所驳斥。)

4. The idea that the earth is flat is easily refutable by the observation of the curve of the horizon.(通过观察地平线的弯曲,可以轻松地证明地球是圆的这个观点是可反驳的。)

5. The argument that climate change is not caused by human activity is refutable by the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.(那些认为气候变化不是由人类活动引起的论点可以被相反的压倒性证据所反驳。)

6. The claim that homeopathy can cure cancer is refutable by the lack of scientific evidence supporting it.(声称顺势疗法可以治愈癌症的说法可以被缺乏支持它的科学证据所反驳。)

7. The hypothesis that aliens exist has not yet been refuted, but no solid evidence for their existence has been found either.(尚未证明外星人存在的假设还没有被反驳,但同时也没有找到支持它的坚实证据。)

8. The argument that the death penalty is an effective deterrent to crime can be refuted by the fact that countries without the death penalty have lower crime rates.(声称死刑是对犯罪起到有效威慑作用的论点可以被没有死刑的国家犯罪率更低这一事实所反驳。)

9. The theory of relativity is not refutable by any known experiment, and it continues to be a cornerstone of modern physics.(相对论没有被任何已知的实验反驳,它继续是现代物理学的基石之一。)

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