1. Te kauae a Te Kiribati ka tīkōnā mai. (基里巴斯人的文化是很丰富的。)
翻译:The culture of Kiribati people is very rich.
2. Ka-rin Aron Kaiko ia aretoba Taekaera. (阿伦·凯科是基里巴斯国会议员。)
翻译:Aron Kaiko is a member of the Kiribati parliament.
3. E tangi n te Kamaia. (卡迈亚的人在哭泣。)
翻译:The people of Kamai'a are crying.
4. Te tanaka ika ka morin kate ni baninoto. (鱼肉配上薯条是一道当地的美食。)
翻译:Fish and chips is a local delicacy.
5. Te kaneke ne bokoa inanon ania (我喜欢这个造型。)
翻译:I like this hairstyle.
6. Te aoraki nei roroi moaia (天气很热。)
翻译:It's very hot today.
7. Morin koaia ka irio te kareata (这个菜看起来很好吃。)
翻译:This dish looks delicious.
8. Te aoraia ka kite uniia (太阳出来了,我们要去游泳。)
翻译:The sun is out, let's go swimming.
9. Nei Betebe ka taeao tetai an kaipuna (Betebe明天会见到他的祖母。)
翻译:Betebe will meet his grandmother tomorrow.