Calidris Ferruginea是什么意思 Calidris Ferruginea的读音、翻译、用法

Calidris Ferruginea是什么意思 Calidris Ferruginea的读音、翻译、用法

'Calidris Ferruginea'是拉丁文,意为“红颈鹬”,也有译作“红胸滨鹬”。它是一种候鸟,分布于欧洲、亚洲和北美洲。在中国也可以看到这种鸟。

以下是9个含有'Calidris Ferruginea'的例句:

1. The Calidris Ferruginea is a migratory bird that can be found in many countries, including China.(红颈鹬是一种候鸟,在许多国家都可以找到,包括中国。)

2. During migration, the Calidris Ferruginea can be seen in wetlands and mudflats, where it feeds on invertebrates.(在迁徙期间,红颈鹬可以在湿地和泥滩上被看到,它们以无脊椎动物为食。)

3. The Calidris Ferruginea has a distinctive red neck, which makes it easy to identify.(红颈鹬有明显的红颈,这使得它很容易被识别出来。)

4. The Calidris Ferruginea breeds in the Arctic tundra and winters in coastal areas.(红颈鹬在北极的苔原上繁殖,冬天则生活在沿海地区。)

5. The Calidris Ferruginea is similar in appearance to other sandpipers, but can be distinguished by its reddish neck and relatively long bill.(红颈鹬在外观上与其他沙鸟相似,但是可以通过它的红脖子和相对较长的喙来区分。)

6. Some researchers believe that changes in wetland habitats are putting the Calidris Ferruginea at risk of extinction.(一些研究人员认为湿地栖息地的变化正在让红颈鹬面临灭绝的危险。)

7. The Calidris Ferruginea is an important indicator species for the health of wetland ecosystems.(红颈鹬是湿地生态系统健康的重要指示物种。)

8. The Calidris Ferruginea is a popular bird for birdwatchers, who often travel long distances to see it.(红颈鹬是鸟类观察者喜爱的鸟类,他们经常走很远的路去看它。)

9. The Calidris Ferruginea is a protected species under international conservation agreements, and hunting is prohibited in many countries.(红颈鹬是国际保护协议下的受保护物种,在许多国家禁止狩猎。)

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