1. The water in this river has been contaminated with Giardia.(这条河的水已经被贾第虫污染了。)
2. Drinking untreated water can lead to a Giardia infection.(喝未经处理的水会引起贾第虫感染。)
3. Giardia is a common cause of diarrhea in humans.(贾第虫是人类腹泻的常见原因。)
4. The veterinarian found Giardia in the dog's stool sample.(兽医在狗的粪便样本中检测出了贾第虫。)
5. Symptoms of a Giardia infection include stomach cramps and dehydration.(贾第虫感染的症状包括腹部痉挛和脱水。)
6. Giardia can be transmitted through oral-fecal contact.(贾第虫可以通过口粪接触传播。)
7. A Giardia infection can last for several weeks if left untreated.(如果不治疗,贾第虫感染可以持续几个星期。)
8. Giardia cysts can survive in cold water for several months.(贾第虫囊在冷水中可以存活数月之久。)
9. Good hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of Giardia.(良好的卫生习惯可以帮助预防贾第虫的传播。)