1. Tonsoril surgery is commonly used in dermatology.(手术时常使用剪切术来进行)
2. I need to get my hair trimmed by the tonsoril.(我需要去理发店把头发修剪一下)
3. The tonsoril technique was first used in ancient Egypt.(剪切术最早在古埃及时期被使用)
4. The barber used tonsoril scissors to give me a new haircut.(理发师使用剪切剪刀给我剪了一个新发型)
5. The surgeon used tonsoril techniques to remove the tumor.(外科医生使用剪切术去除肿瘤)
6. Using tonsoril scissors is an important skill for a barber.(使用剪切剪刀是理发师必备的重要技能)
7. The tonsoril method is often used in plastic surgery.(剪切术常常被用在整形手术中)
8. The tonsoril shears are known for their precision and sharpness.(剪切剪刀以其精准和锋利而著名)
9. The surgeon explained that the tonsoril technique would minimize scarring.(外科医生解释说剪切术可以最大程度地减轻疤痕)