'Nerium oleander'是拉丁语,可以翻译为印地木(音译)。它是一种常见的园艺植物,生长在热带和亚热带地区,有着漂亮的花朵和毒性。常见的翻译有:印地木、夹竹桃、黄印地、橙印地等。
1. Nerium oleander is a popular ornamental plant in many countries.(印地木是许多国家的常见园艺植物。)
2. The bark of the Nerium oleander can be used for medicinal purposes.(印地木的树皮可以用于医疗目的。)
3. The beautiful flowers of the Nerium oleander attract many bees and butterflies.(印地木美丽的花朵吸引了许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶。)
4. Eating the leaves or flowers of the Nerium oleander can be fatal to humans and animals.(吃印地木的叶子或花朵对人类和动物都有致命危险。)
5. The Nerium oleander is resistant to drought and heat, making it a popular choice for landscaping in hot climates.(印地木耐旱耐热,在炎热的气候中是园林景观的热门选择。)
6. The Nerium oleander is often called the "poison plant" due to its toxic properties.(印地木因其毒性而常被称为“毒草”。)
7. The Nerium oleander can be propagated by cuttings or by seed.(印地木可以通过插条或种子繁殖。)
8. The Nerium oleander is native to the Mediterranean region.(印地木原产于地中海地区。)
9. The Nerium oleander is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including heart disease and skin conditions.(印地木在传统医学中用于治疗各种疾病,包括心脏病和皮肤病。)