'medicago hispida'是拉丁语,翻译为中文是“刺叶苜蓿”。它是豆科植物的一种,常被用作牧草和绿肥。主要分布在北美洲、欧洲和亚洲的冷带和温带地区。
以下是9个含有'medicago hispida'的例句,使用英语并提供中文翻译:
1. 'Medicago hispida' is a hardy wildflower that is perfect for naturalizing in your yard.('medicago hispida'是一种耐寒耐旱的野花,非常适合在院子里自然化。)
2. The roots of 'medicago hispida' can fix nitrogen in the soil, making it an excellent green manure crop.('medicago hispida'的根可以在土壤中固定氮,使其成为优秀的绿肥作物。)
3. This prairie restoration project is using 'medicago hispida' to help rebuild the soil structure.(这个草原修复项目正在使用'medicago hispida'来帮助重建土壤结构。)
4. 'Medicago hispida' is a valuable forage crop for livestock, as it contains high levels of protein.('medicago hispida'是一种对牲畜有价值的饲草作物,因为它含有高水平的蛋白质。)
5. You can sow 'medicago hispida' in the fall for an early spring green manure crop.(你可以在秋天播种'medicago hispida',以获得早春绿肥作物。)
6. The leaves of 'medicago hispida' are covered in tiny spines, giving them a prickly texture.('medicago hispida'的叶子上覆盖着微小的刺,使它们具有刺状的质地。)
7. 'Medicago hispida' has a taproot that can penetrate deep into the soil, making it a useful plant for stabilizing slopes.('medicago hispida'有一根可以深入土壤的主根,使它成为稳定斜坡的有用植物。)
8. This field of 'medicago hispida' is providing valuable food and habitat for local wildlife.(这片'medicago hispida'的田野为当地野生动物提供了宝贵的食物和栖息地。)
9. 'Medicago hispida' is sometimes called rough alfalfa due to its prickly leaves.('medicago hispida'有时被称为粗糙苜蓿,因为它的叶子有刺。)