hobo是什么意思 hobo的读音、翻译、用法

hobo是什么意思 hobo的读音、翻译、用法


1. The hobo jumped onto the train and disappeared into the darkness.(这个流浪汉跳上火车,消失在黑暗中。)

2. The hobo camp was set up by the riverbank.(这个流浪汉营地是在河岸边搭建的。)

3. He lived like a hobo, moving from town to town.(他过着流浪汉一样的生活,从城镇到城镇地流浪。)

4. The hobo asked for spare change from passers-by.(这个流浪汉向路人乞讨零钱。)

5. When the hobo entered the diner, everyone looked at him suspiciously.(当这个流浪汉走进餐厅时,所有人都很怀疑地看着他。)

6. The local authorities tried to clear out the hobo encampment.(当地政府试图清理这个流浪汉营地。)

7. The hobo's backpack was filled with all his worldly possessions.(这个流浪汉的背包里装满了他所有的财产。)

8. The hobo shivered in the cold winter wind.(这个流浪汉在寒冷的冬风中打着寒颤。)

9. The hobo's face was weather-beaten and lined with wrinkles.(这个流浪汉的脸因长期风吹日晒而皱纹累累。)

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