'Etmopterus pusillus'是拉丁语,翻译为小魔鬼鲨。它是一种深海鲨鱼,主要分布在印度洋和西太平洋。常见的翻译有小魔鬼鲨、小号短吻鲨等。
1. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' is a small shark that lives in the deep sea.(小魔鬼鲨是一种生活在深海中的小鲨鱼。)
2. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' has a dark brown body and small eyes.(小魔鬼鲨身体呈暗棕色,眼睛很小。)
3. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' is sexually dimorphic, with males having longer pelvic fins than females.(小魔鬼鲨性别二型,雄鱼的骨盆鳍比雌鱼长。)
4. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' feeds on small fish and squid.(小魔鬼鲨以小鱼和鱿鱼为食。)
5. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' is also known as the pygmy lanternshark.(小魔鬼鲨也被称为侏儒灯鲨。)
6. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' is one of the smallest sharks in the world.(小魔鬼鲨是世界上最小的鲨鱼之一。)
7. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' is often found in the deep parts of the ocean.(小魔鬼鲨经常出现在海洋深处。)
8. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' is a slow-growing species and reaches sexual maturity at around 6-7 years of age.(小魔鬼鲨是一种生长缓慢的物种,6-xx岁左右达到性成熟。)
9. The 'Etmopterus pusillus' is listed as a species of least concern by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.(小魔鬼鲨被国际自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录列为无危物种。)