Madeleine Albright是什么意思 Madeleine Albright的读音、翻译、用法

Madeleine Albright是什么意思 Madeleine Albright的读音、翻译、用法

'Madeleine Albright'是英语词语,翻译为中文为“玛德琳·奥尔布赖特”,是美国政治家和外交家,曾担任美国国务卿(xx年至xx年),是美国历史上第一位女性国务卿。

以下是含有'Madeleine Albright'的9个例句:

1. Madeleine Albright was the first female Secretary of State in the United States.


2. Madeleine Albright served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations before becoming Secretary of State.


3. Madeleine Albright is known for her advocacy of women's rights and gender equality.


4. Madeleine Albright was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, but her family immigrated to the United States when she was a child.


5. Madeleine Albright has written several books on foreign policy and international relations.


6. Madeleine Albright received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama in 2012.


7. Madeleine Albright has been a vocal critic of Donald Trump's foreign policy decisions.


8. Madeleine Albright is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has served on the board of several corporations.


9. Madeleine Albright has been an influential figure in American politics for several decades.


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