1. 'hauberk'是英语词汇,可以翻译为“战袍”或“铠甲衣”。
2. hauberk是中世纪欧洲的一件装备,是由许多金属环环相扣制成的盔甲衣。它通常由钢圆环或钢平环制成,穿戴在骑士身体下半部分,以保护他们不受敌人的攻击。它是欧洲战争中最常见的装备之一,在中世纪欧洲十分流行。
3. 以下是9个含有“hauberk”的例句,包括英语和中文。
- He wore a hauberk of iron rings, which protected him from the enemy's sword.(他穿着一件铁环的铠甲衣,保护他免受敌人的剑刃)
- The hauberk was one of the most essential pieces of armor for knights during the Middle Ages.(在中世纪,铠甲衣是骑士们最基本的装备之一)
- The hauberk was heavy and cumbersome, but it provided excellent protection against arrows and swords.(铠甲衣虽然沉重笨重,但是能够很好地保护骑士免受箭和剑的攻击)
- The hauberk was a symbol of honor and bravery for medieval warriors.(铠甲衣是中世纪战士荣誉和勇气的象征)
- The hauberk was passed down from generation to generation in some knightly families.(在一些骑士家族中,铠甲衣被世世代代传承下来)
- The hauberk was sometimes worn over a padded garment for additional protection.(有时候铠甲衣会穿在一件软垫衣服外面,以提供更多的保护)
- The hauberk was often adorned with decorative elements such as brass fittings and leather strips.(铠甲衣通常会用装饰性元素装饰,比如黄铜配件和皮革条)
- The hauberk was not foolproof, and a well-placed arrow or sword thrust could still penetrate it.(铠甲衣并非绝对安全,精准的箭或剑刺仍然能穿透它)
- The hauberk was gradually replaced by more advanced forms of armor in the late Middle Ages.(在中世纪晚期,铠甲衣逐渐被更先进的盔甲形式取代)