1. Euphausiacea是南极洲及周边海域生态系统中最主要的生物之一。
Euphausiacea is one of the most important organisms in the Antarctic and its surrounding marine ecosystems.
2. 磷虾目是北极海洋生态系统的基石之一。
Krill is one of the keystones of the Arctic marine ecosystem.
3. 在夜晚,磷虾目会来到海面上浮游,成为了许多鲸鱼和鸟类的主要食物来源。
At night, the krill rises to the surface and becomes a major food source for many whales and birds.
4. 由于气候变化,许多地区的磷虾目数量一直在下降。
Due to climate change, the population of krill in many areas has been declining.
5. 很多水族馆里都有展示磷虾目的区域,让游客更深入了解这种生物。
Many aquariums have exhibits featuring krill, allowing visitors to learn more about this organism.
6. 磷虾目的主要特征是它们的长长身体和红色的眼睛。
The main features of krill are their long bodies and red eyes.
7. 许多科学家一直在研究磷虾目的生态学、生物学和行为学等方面。
Many scientists have been studying the ecology, biology and behavior of krill.
8. 磷虾目的数量对许多海洋动物的生存和繁殖都有着重要影响。
The abundance of krill has important effects on the survival and reproduction of many marine animals.
9. 由于其丰富的营养成分,磷虾目已经成为了人类的食品来源之一。
Krill has become a source of food for humans due to its rich nutritional content.