Academia Sueca是什么意思 Academia Sueca的读音、翻译、用法

Academia Sueca是什么意思 Academia Sueca的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Academia Sueca'是瑞典语,翻译为“瑞典学院”,是一个负责授予诺贝尔文学奖的机构,同时也致力于研究瑞典语言和文学。

2. 瑞典学院成立于xx年,总部位于瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩。

3. 例句1:瑞典学院每年都会选出一位文学巨匠颁发诺贝尔文学奖。

翻译:The Swedish Academy selects a literary giant every year to award the Nobel Prize in Literature.

4. 例句2:瑞典学院的任务是维护和发展瑞典语言和文学的传统。

翻译:The mission of the Swedish Academy is to maintain and develop the traditions of the Swedish language and literature.

5. 例句3:瑞典学院的成员人数不超过18人,他们是瑞典文学和语言领域的专家。

翻译:The Swedish Academy has no more than 18 members who are experts in the fields of Swedish literature and language.

6. 例句4:瑞典学院主席每年也会向诺贝尔奖委员会提交关于文学奖得主的评价报告。

翻译:The chairman of the Swedish Academy also submits evaluation reports on the Nobel laureate to the Nobel Prize committee every year.

7. 例句5:瑞典学院的成员被视为瑞典文学及语言的权威人士。

翻译:Members of the Swedish Academy are considered authoritative figures in Swedish literature and language.

8. 例句6:瑞典学院成员之间的投票是秘密的,他们必须保证不透露投票结果。

翻译:The votes among members of the Swedish Academy are secret and they must ensure that the voting results are not disclosed.

9. 例句7:瑞典学院创立至今已有两百多年的历史,是世界上最著名的文学机构之一。

翻译:The Swedish Academy has a history of more than two hundred years since its establishment and is one of the most famous literary institutions in the world.

10. 例句8:瑞典学院的使命是促进瑞典文学在全球范围内的传播和认知。

翻译:The mission of the Swedish Academy is to promote the dissemination and recognition of Swedish literature globally.

11. 例句9:瑞典学院的优秀成员曾获得过多项国际文学奖项,成为文学界的佼佼者。

翻译:The outstanding members of the Swedish Academy have won many international literary awards and become the leaders in the literary world.

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