'Chris Patten'是英语,可以翻译为克里斯·帕滕。他是英国保守党成员,曾任英国殖民地香港的最后一任民主派港督。他的英文名字常被用来代表他本人或他的政治立场。
1. Chris Patten is a well-known politician in the UK. (克里斯·帕滕是英国知名政治家。)
2. Many people admire Chris Patten for his work in Hong Kong. (许多人因他在香港的工作而钦佩克里斯·帕滕。)
3. Chris Patten was appointed as the Chancellor of Oxford University in 2003. (克里斯·帕滕于xx年被任命为牛津大学校长。)
4. Chris Patten's views on Brexit are widely debated in the UK. (克里斯·帕滕对于英国脱欧的看法在英国引起了广泛的争议。)
5. Chris Patten is known for his progressive views on social issues. (克里斯·帕滕以其在社会问题上的进步观点而闻名。)
6. Chris Patten's book on democracy has been translated into many languages. (克里斯·帕滕关于民主的书被翻译成了许多语言。)
7. Chris Patten's speech at the UN was well-received by the audience. (克里斯·帕滕在联合国的演讲受到了观众的好评。)
8. Chris Patten's leadership style has been criticized by some of his opponents. (克里斯·帕滕的领导风格受到了一些对手的批评。)
9. Chris Patten is a strong advocate for human rights and equality. (克里斯·帕滕是人权和平等的坚定支持者。)