1. "Robotech是我最喜欢的动画片。"(英语:Robotech is my favorite anime.)
2. "Robotech的剧情非常有趣。"(英语:The plot of Robotech is very interesting.)
3. "我和朋友们经常一起看Robotech。"(英语:My friends and I often watch Robotech together.)
4. "Robotech的动画效果很棒。"(英语:The animation of Robotech is great.)
5. "我一直想去参观Robotech的制作工作室。"(英语:I have always wanted to visit the studio where Robotech is made.)
6. "Robotech的音乐很好听。"(英语:The music in Robotech is very nice.)
7. "Robotech的影响力在美国非常大。"(英语:Robotech has a big impact in the United States.)
8. "Robotech中的角色非常有个性。"(英语:The characters in Robotech have very distinct personalities.)
9. "我在Robotech中找到了自己的英雄。"(英语:I found my hero in Robotech.)