patina是什么意思 patina的读音、翻译、用法

patina是什么意思 patina的读音、翻译、用法




1. The antique statue has acquired a beautiful patina over the years. (这座古董雕像经过多年的时间已经形成了美丽的铜锈)

2. The old church bell shone with a polished patina. (老教堂的钟声闪耀着抛光的青铜铸造)

3. The antique dealer explained that the patina was evidence of the item's authenticity. (古董商解释说'patina'是物品真实性的证据)

4. The patina on the old copper pot added to its charm. (老铜锅上的铜锈让它更迷人)

5. The sculptor carefully added a patina to the bronze statue to enhance its appearance. (雕塑家小心翼翼地在青铜雕像上添加铜锈以提高它的外观)

6. The antique mirror had a beautiful patina that gave it an antique look. (古董镜子有一个美丽的铜锈,让它看起来古老)

7. The rusty old bike had a patina that made it look like a vintage classic. (锈迹斑斑的老自行车有一个铜锈,让它看起来像是一个古老的经典)

8. The collector was thrilled to find a piece with a natural patina that was undisturbed. (收藏家很高兴找到一件有自然铜锈的物品,没有被打扰)

9. The patina on the old doorknob had worn away with time, revealing the true metal underneath. (老门把手上的铜锈随着时间的流逝磨损,露出了下面的真金属)

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