Golden Retriever是什么意思 Golden Retriever的读音、翻译、用法

Golden Retriever是什么意思 Golden Retriever的读音、翻译、用法

'Golden Retriever'是英语单词,翻译成中文为“金毛寻回犬”,它是一种狗的品种,名字源于这种狗的毛色和特殊能力,它们能够在水中寻找并回收猎物。

以下是9个含有'Golden Retriever'的例句:

1. I have a golden retriever, he loves to play fetch with me.(我有一只金毛寻回犬,它喜欢和我玩捡球游戏。)

2. The golden retriever is a popular breed of dog in the United States.(金毛寻回犬是美国一种受欢迎的狗品种。)

3. My friend's golden retriever is so friendly, he always greets me with a wagging tail.(我朋友的金毛寻回犬非常友好,他总是摇着尾巴来欢迎我。)

4. The golden retriever is known for its intelligence, loyalty and gentle temperament.(金毛寻回犬以其聪明、忠诚和温和的气质而闻名。)

5. I took my golden retriever on a long walk this morning, he was so happy to explore new places.(今天早上我带着我的金毛寻回犬去散了一次长长的步,他很高兴能够探索新的地方。)

6. The golden retriever is a great family dog, he gets along well with children and other pets.(金毛寻回犬是一种非常适合家庭的狗,它们与小孩和其他宠物相处得很好。)

7. My golden retriever loves to swim in the lake, he's a natural born swimmer.(我的金毛寻回犬喜欢在湖里游泳,他是一个天生的游泳者。)

8. The golden retriever is used as a therapy dog to help people with mental and physical disabilities.(金毛寻回犬被用作治疗犬,帮助有精神和身体残疾的人。)

9. I adopted a golden retriever from a rescue organization, he's such a loving and grateful dog.(我从一个救援组织领养了一只金毛寻回犬,他是一只非常爱人和感恩的狗。)

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