exodus是什么意思 exodus的读音、翻译、用法

exodus是什么意思 exodus的读音、翻译、用法



1. The exodus of refugees from war-torn countries has become a global humanitarian crisis.(难民从饱经战乱的国家逃离的大规模行动已成为全球人道主义危机。)

2. The exodus of young professionals from rural areas to urban centers has led to a brain drain in many developing countries.(青年专业人士从农村地区迁往城市中心的大规模活动导致了许多发展中国家的人才流失。)

3. The exodus of customers from brick-and-mortar stores to online shopping has forced many traditional retailers to adapt to the digital age.(顾客从实体店迁移到网购的大规模活动迫使许多传统零售商适应数字时代。)

4. The exodus of top executives from the company has raised concerns about its future prospects.(公司高管的大规模离职引发了对其未来前景的担忧。)

5. The exodus of tourists from the island is a yearly occurrence during the monsoon season.(旅游者在季风季节大规模离开该岛是xx年一度的现象。)

6. The exodus of students from the rural school to the city school has resulted in a decline in enrollment.(学生从农村学校迁往城市学校的大规模活动导致入学率下降。)

7. The exodus of industry from the city to the suburbs has led to a decline in urban manufacturing.(工业从城市迁往郊区的大规模活动导致城市制造业的衰退。)

8. The exodus of staff from the company has left a staffing shortage in many departments.(公司员工的大规模离职导致很多部门人员短缺。)

9. The exodus of investors from the stock market has triggered a sell-off in many sectors.(投资者从股市的大规模离开引发了许多行业的抛售。)

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