1. Lentinula edodes是一种世界上最受欢迎的食用菌之一,也被称为香菇。
(Lentinula edodes is one of the world's most popular edible mushrooms, also known as shiitake.)
2. 这个品种的香菇属于Lentinula edodes的变体。
(This strain of mushroom belongs to the variant of Lentinula edodes.)
3. Lentinula edodes经常用于中式烹饪中,尤其是在炖汤和煲仔饭中。
(Lentinula edodes is often used in Chinese cuisine, especially in soups and claypot rice dishes.)
4. Lentinula edodes是一种具有多种营养成分的食用菌。
(Lentinula edodes is an edible mushroom that contains various nutrients.)
5. Lentinula edodes的生长需要温暖和潮湿的环境。
(Lentinula edodes grows in warm and humid environments.)
6. Lentinula edodes有助于增强免疫系统和调节血糖水平。
(Lentinula edodes helps to strengthen the immune system and regulate blood sugar levels.)
7. Lentinula edodes也被用于制作一些天然的药物和保健品。
(Lentinula edodes is also used to produce some natural medicines and health supplements.)
8. 在日本,Lentinula edodes是一种非常常见的食材,并被称为"松茸的兄弟"。
(In Japan, Lentinula edodes is a very common ingredient and is known as the "brother of matsutake".)
9. Lentinula edodes可以通过在家庭中种植盆栽培养,从而获得新鲜的香菇。
(Lentinula edodes can be grown in pots at home to obtain fresh mushrooms.)