1. Vasotocin在褐海鸥的配对行为中发挥重要的作用。(Vasotocin plays an important role in the mating behavior of brown-headed gulls.)
2. 研究表明,Vasotocin可以影响鹰嘴鸥的攻击行为。(Studies have shown that vasotocin can affect the aggressive behavior of black skimmers.)
3. Vasotocin可以通过影响血管扩张来调节血压。(Vasotocin can regulate blood pressure by affecting vasodilation.)
4. Vasotocin在哺乳动物的生殖系统中扮演重要角色。(Vasotocin plays an important role in the reproductive system of mammals.)
5. 研究发现,Vasotocin可以促进雄性蝙蝠的社会互动行为。(Studies have found that vasotocin can promote social interaction in male bats.)
6. Vasotocin对鸟类的抚育行为具有重要作用。(Vasotocin plays an important role in parental care behavior in birds.)
7. Vasotocin可以改善小鼠的认知能力。(Vasotocin can improve cognitive abilities in mice.)
8. 在鱼类中,Vasotocin有助于调节摄食行为。(In fish, vasotocin helps regulate feeding behavior.)
9. Vasotocin可以促进青蛙的生殖行为。(Vasotocin can promote reproductive behavior in frogs.)