'ips acuminatus'不是任何国家的语言,而是拉丁语中的一个词语。它的中文翻译是“尖锐的唇”。
在生物学中,'ips acuminatus'通常用于描述某些动物的嘴部或口部特征,比如鸟类、爬行动物和哺乳动物等。它常被翻译为“锐嘴”、“尖嘴”或“锥形嘴”。
以下给出9个含有'ips acuminatus'的例句:
1. Passeriformes是一类具有尖锐的喙和唇的鸟类。
(Passeriformes is a group of birds with sharp bills and lips.)
2. 豹猫的嘴唇非常尖锐,能够有效地抓住猎物。
(The lips of a leopard cat are very sharp and can effectively catch prey.)
3. 立鸟有一张非常尖锐的嘴,能够轻易地切开硬壳的种子。
(The kiwi bird has a very sharp beak that can easily cut through the hard shells of seeds.)
4. 蛇类的牙齿通常会嵌入它们尖锐的唇部。
(The teeth of snakes are usually embedded in their sharp lips.)
5. 海洋中有一种名为海蛇的爬行动物,它们的唇部非常尖锐,能够轻易地咬穿猎物的外壳。
(There is a type of reptile in the ocean called sea snakes, whose lips are very sharp and can easily bite through the shell of their prey.)
6. 红嘴鸥的喙非常尖锐,能够切开小鱼和甲壳动物的外壳。
(The bill of a red-billed gull is very sharp and can cut through the shells of small fish and crustaceans.)
7. 狮子的尖锐的牙齿藏在它们的唇部里面,等待着袭击猎物。
(The sharp teeth of a lion are hidden inside its lips, waiting to attack its prey.)
8. 蝙蝠的嘴巴非常尖锐,能够轻易地切开水果的皮。
(The mouth of a bat is very sharp and can easily cut through the skin of fruits.)
9. 犰狳的嘴唇非常尖锐,能够轻易地咬开坚硬的虫壳。
(The lips of an armadillo are very sharp and can easily bite through the hard shells of insects.)