replica global是什么意思 replica global的读音、翻译、用法

replica global是什么意思 replica global的读音、翻译、用法

'replica global'是英语词语,中文意思是“全球复制品”。该词常用于描述一种产品或服务,该产品或服务在全球范围内均可获得,且其质量、品牌等保持一致。例如,全球连锁餐厅品牌就是典型的“replica global”。

以下是九个含有“replica global”的例句:

1. McDonald's is a replica global brand, with its restaurants found in over 100 countries. (麦当劳是一家具有全球复制品品牌的公司,在超过100个国家设有餐厅。)

2. The iPhone is a replica global product, known for its sleek design and high quality. (iPhone是一种全球复制品产品,以其简洁的设计和高品质而著名。)

3. The Coca-Cola Company has a replica global distribution network, ensuring that its products are available in almost every country in the world. (可口可乐公司拥有一个全球复制品的分销网络,确保其产品在全球几乎所有国家都可以获得。)

4. Starbucks has become a replica global culture, with its coffee shops serving as gathering places for people all over the world. (星巴克已经成为一种全球复制品文化,其咖啡店成为全世界人们的聚会场所。)

5. The IKEA brand is a replica global brand, known for its affordable and stylish home furnishings. (宜家品牌是一种全球复制品品牌,以其价格实惠和时尚的家居装饰品而闻名。)

6. Adidas is a replica global sports brand, with its products worn by athletes and fashion-conscious consumers around the world. (阿迪达斯是一种全球复制品的运动品牌,其产品被全球运动员和时尚意识消费者所穿着。)

7. The Disney brand is a replica global entertainment brand, with its movies, TV shows, and theme parks enjoyed by people everywhere. (迪士尼品牌是一种全球复制品的娱乐品牌,其电影、电视节目和主题公园受到全世界人们的喜爱。)

8. Amazon is a replica global e-commerce giant, with its online marketplace accessible in many languages and countries. (亚马逊是一家全球复制品的电子商务巨头,其在线市场可在多种语言和国家中进行访问。)

9. Nike is a replica global footwear brand, with its athletic shoes and sneakers worn by people of all ages and backgrounds. (耐克是一种全球复制品的鞋类品牌,其运动鞋和休闲鞋被各个年龄和背景的人所穿着。)

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