1. The Lophiraceae family includes numerous species of herbaceous plants in tropical regions.(毛苞菜科家族包括热带地区许多种草本植物。)
2. The Lophiraceae family is known for its unique flower structure.(毛苞菜科家族以其独特的花结构而闻名。)
3. Lophiraceae plants are often used for medicinal purposes.(毛苞菜科植物常用于药用。)
4. The leaves of some Lophiraceae species are used in traditional cuisine.(一些毛苞菜科植物的叶子被用于传统烹饪中。)
5. The Lophiraceae family is closely related to the Commelinaceae family.(毛苞菜科家族与鸭跖草科家族密切相关。)
6. Lophiraceae plants can be found in various habitats such as forests, wetlands, and savannas.(毛苞菜科植物可以在各种栖息地中找到,如森林、湿地和稀树草原。)
7. The flowers of Lophiraceae plants are often brightly colored and attract pollinators.(毛苞菜科植物的花通常色彩鲜艳,吸引传粉者。)
8. Some Lophiraceae species are known for their ornamental value and are cultivated in gardens.(一些毛苞菜科植物因其观赏价值而闻名,并在花园中栽培。)
9. The classification and distribution of Lophiraceae plants are still under investigation by botanists.(植物学家仍在调查毛苞菜科植物的分类和分布。)