'Irving Fisher'是美国的词语,中文翻译为“欧文·费雪”,他是20世纪早期的著名经济学家,主要研究货币理论和宏观经济学。他提出了著名的“货币数量论”,认为货币数量与通货膨胀率成正比,对宏观经济政策的制定和实施产生了深远影响。
以下是含有'Irving Fisher'的9个例句:
1. According to Irving Fisher, the rate of interest varies with the level of inflation. (根据欧文·费雪的说法,利率与通胀水平有关。)
2. Irving Fisher was a prominent economist who made significant contributions to the understanding of monetary policy. (欧文·费雪是一位杰出的经济学家,对货币政策的理解做出了重要贡献。)
3. The concept of inflation targeting is based on the ideas of Irving Fisher. (通胀目标的概念基于欧文·费雪的理论。)
4. Irving Fisher's theory of interest rates has been widely debated among economists. (欧文·费雪的利率理论在经济学家中引起了广泛的讨论。)
5. Many policymakers have used Irving Fisher's ideas to guide their economic policies. (许多政策制定者使用欧文·费雪的思想来指导他们的经济政策。)
6. According to Irving Fisher, the central bank can control inflation by manipulating the money supply. (根据欧文·费雪的说法,中央银行可以通过操纵货币供应来控制通货膨胀。)
7. Irving Fisher believed that a stable monetary policy was essential for economic growth. (欧文·费雪认为,稳定的货币政策对经济增长至关重要。)
8. The ideas of Irving Fisher have been influential in the development of modern macroeconomics. (欧文·费雪的思想对现代宏观经济学的发展产生了影响。)
9. Irving Fisher's work on the quantity theory of money has been the subject of much research in economics. (欧文·费雪关于货币数量理论的研究在经济学中得到了广泛的关注。)