'Edward Jenner'是英语,可以翻译为爱德华·詹纳。他是一位英国的医生和免疫学家,被誉为“天花疫苗之父”。Jenner创造了天花疫苗,这是第一个成功的疫苗,拯救了无数人的生命和健康。
以下是包含'Edward Jenner'的9个例句:
1. Edward Jenner was the first person to create a successful vaccine for smallpox.(爱德华·詹纳是第一个创造成功的天花疫苗的人。)
2. The discovery of Edward Jenner has saved countless lives.(爱德华·詹纳的发现拯救了无数条生命。)
3. Edward Jenner's contribution to medicine is immeasurable.(爱德华·詹纳对医学的贡献是无法估量的。)
4. Edward Jenner is a pioneering figure in immunology.(爱德华·詹纳是免疫学领域的开创性人物。)
5. Without Edward Jenner's discovery, we would not have been able to eradicate smallpox.(如果没有爱德华·詹纳的发现,我们就无法根除天花。)
6. Edward Jenner's legacy still lives on today.(爱德华·詹纳的遗产至今仍然存在。)
7. The vaccination campaign initiated by Edward Jenner in the 18th century was a game changer.(18世纪爱德华·詹纳发起的疫苗接种运动是改变游戏规则的。)
8. Edward Jenner's work on vaccination laid the foundation for modern immunology.(爱德华·詹纳关于疫苗的研究为现代免疫学奠定了基础。)
9. Edward Jenner's impact on public health is undeniable.(爱德华·詹纳对公共卫生的影响是不可否认的。)