Amblyseius barkeri是什么意思 Amblyseius barkeri的读音、翻译、用法

Amblyseius barkeri是什么意思 Amblyseius barkeri的读音、翻译、用法

'Amblyseius barkeri'是英语单词,中文翻译为'巴克尔二氏刺螨',是一种寄生于植物上的刺螨,可以控制其他害虫的数量。

以下是9个含有'Amblyseius barkeri'的例句:

1. Amblyseius barkeri is an effective predator of spider mites. (巴克尔二氏刺螨是一种有效的蜘蛛螨掠食者。)

2. The application of Amblyseius barkeri can reduce the use of pesticides. (应用巴克尔二氏刺螨可以减少杀虫剂的使用。)

3. Amblyseius barkeri is commonly used in biological pest control. (巴克尔二氏刺螨常用于生物防治。)

4. The population of Amblyseius barkeri can be increased through proper habitat management. (通过适当的栖息地管理,巴克尔二氏刺螨的种群数量可以增加。)

5. Amblyseius barkeri has a high reproductive rate and can quickly establish in a new environment. (巴克尔二氏刺螨具有较高的繁殖率,可以在新环境中迅速建立。)

6. The effectiveness of Amblyseius barkeri may vary depending on environmental conditions. (巴克尔二氏刺螨的效果可能因环境条件而异。)

7. The use of Amblyseius barkeri is an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pest control. (使用巴克尔二氏刺螨是化学防治害虫的环保替代方法。)

8. Amblyseius barkeri can also feed on pollen and other insects in addition to spider mites. (巴克尔二氏刺螨除了捕食蜘蛛螨外,还可以吃花粉和其他昆虫。)

9. The release of Amblyseius barkeri can be timed to coincide with the development of pest populations. (巴克尔二氏刺螨的释放可以与害虫种群的发展相协调。)

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