1. 'Anchisaurus'是英语单词,中文翻译是“原蜥脚类恐龙”。
2. 'Anchisaurus' 是一种已灭绝的恐龙,属于早期蜥脚类恐龙的一种,生存于三叠纪晚期,其化石发现于美国马萨诸塞州的博格堡组和纽约州的红山组。
3. 他们发现了一块完整的'Anchisaurus'骨架,这是非常罕见的。They discovered a complete skeleton of 'Anchisaurus,' which is very rare.
4. 在玩具箱里,他们发现了一个'Anchisaurus'恐龙模型。They found an 'Anchisaurus' dinosaur model in the toy box.
5. 'Anchisaurus'是一种蜥脚类恐龙,它的腿很长,适合跑步。'Anchisaurus' is a sauropod dinosaur with long legs that are great for running.
6. 这家博物馆拥有一个完整的'Anchisaurus'标本。This museum has a complete 'Anchisaurus' specimen.
7. 'Anchisaurus'生活在三叠纪晚期,与其他恐龙共存。'Anchisaurus' lived during the Late Triassic period, coexisting with other dinosaurs.
8. 骨骼模型制造商推出了一个'Anchisaurus'骨骼模型,供学生学习使用。A bone model manufacturer has released an 'Anchisaurus' bone model for students to learn from.
9. 'Anchisaurus'可能是一种群居动物,有可能是一个常见的中间物种。'Anchisaurus' may have been a social animal, possibly a common intermediate species.