1. Cimex lectularius是一种常见的床虱,会给人类带来很多不便。(Cimex lectularius is a common bed bug that can cause many inconveniences to humans.)
2. 这只狗身上寄生了很多Cimex canis。(This dog has many Cimex canis parasitizing on its body.)
3. 终于找到了Cimex种类的植物提取物,可以有效地防治害虫。(Finally found the plant extract of Cimex species, which can effectively control pests.)
4. 许多人在搬进新房子之后都会发现床上出现了Cimex lectularius。(Many people find Cimex lectularius on their beds after moving into a new house.)
5. 在许多地方,Cimex被认为是一种有害的虫类。(In many places, Cimex is considered a harmful pest.)
6. 我家的宠物狗被Cimex canis困扰了好几个月。(My pet dog has been troubled by Cimex canis for several months.)
7. 如果你发现你的床起了红色斑点,那很可能是Cimex的痕迹。(If you find red spots on your bed, it is likely to be a sign of Cimex.)
8. Cimex lectularius有时也被称为“血蝇”,因为它们吸血。(Cimex lectularius is sometimes called "blood flies" because they suck blood.)
9. 在国外,一些旅馆会对房间进行彻底的清洁以防止Cimex问题。(Abroad, some hotels thoroughly clean their rooms to prevent Cimex problems.)