Agropyron elongatum是什么意思 Agropyron elongatum的读音、翻译、用法

Agropyron elongatum是什么意思 Agropyron elongatum的读音、翻译、用法

'Agropyron elongatum'是源自拉丁语的科学名称,在英语中通常被翻译为“tall wheatgrass”(高附子草),是一种常见的草本植物。它通常用作牧草或是用于土地保持。以下是9个用英语写成的含有该词语的例句:

1. Agropyron elongatum is a popular grass species used for grazing livestock.

(Agropyron elongatum是一种广受欢迎的牧草品种,用于供牛羊食用。)

2. Tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum) is widely distributed throughout North America.

(高附子草(Agropyron elongatum)在北美广泛分布。)

3. The presence of Agropyron elongatum indicates that the soil is suitable for livestock grazing.

(Agropyron elongatum的存在说明该土壤适合牛羊食用。)

4. Scientists believe that Agropyron elongatum could potentially help combat soil erosion.

(科学家认为Agropyron elongatum有可能有助于防止土壤侵蚀。)

5. The leaves of Agropyron elongatum are used in traditional medicine for their medicinal properties.

(Agropyron elongatum 的叶子被用于传统医学中,因为它们具有药用价值。)

6. Farmers are encouraged to plant Agropyron elongatum because it is drought resistant.

(农民们被鼓励种植Agropyron elongatum,因为它具有耐旱性。)

7. Agropyron elongatum is well-suited for use in rangeland restoration projects.

(Agropyron elongatum非常适合用于草原恢复项目。)

8. This particular strain of Agropyron elongatum has been genetically modified to resist certain herbicides.

(这种特定的Agropyron elongatum品系已经被基因改造,以抵抗某些除草剂。)

9. Recent research has shown that Agropyron elongatum has the potential to reduce water runoff.

(最近的研究表明,Agropyron elongatum有可能减少水流失。)

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