Hyphantria cunea是什么意思 Hyphantria cunea的读音、翻译、用法

Hyphantria cunea是什么意思 Hyphantria cunea的读音、翻译、用法

'Hyphantria cunea'是英语中的一个词语,中文翻译为“斜纹夜蛾”。它是一种常见的夜蛾,其幼虫可危害水果、林木等植物。

以下是9个含有'Hyphantria cunea'的例句:

1. Hyphantria cunea is a pest that can cause serious damage to apple trees.(斜纹夜蛾是一种害虫,可以对苹果树造成严重的损害。)

2. The larvae of Hyphantria cunea are commonly known as fall armyworms.(斜纹夜蛾的幼虫通常被称为秋行军蛾。)

3. Hyphantria cunea can complete its life cycle in as little as 30 days.(斜纹夜蛾可以在短短30天内完成其生命周期。)

4. Farmers need to take measures to control the spread of Hyphantria cunea.(农民需要采取措施控制斜纹夜蛾的传播。)

5. Hyphantria cunea is a major pest of cotton crops.(斜纹夜蛾是棉花作物的主要害虫。)

6. The damage caused by Hyphantria cunea can significantly reduce crop yields.(斜纹夜蛾造成的损害可以显著降低作物产量。)

7. Hyphantria cunea is native to North America, but has spread to other parts of the world.(斜纹夜蛾原产于北美,但已经传播到世界其他地区。)

8. Chemical pesticides are commonly used to control Hyphantria cunea populations.(化学农药通常被用于控制斜纹夜蛾的种群。)

9. The spread of Hyphantria cunea has become a major concern for agricultural authorities around the world.(斜纹夜蛾的传播已经成为全球农业当局的主要关注问题。)

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