'genero Herpestes'是拉丁语,意为“鼬属”,指的是体型瘦长、长有细长尾巴的食肉动物。这个词语主要用于生物学领域,用来描述属于鼬科的某些动物。
以下是9个拉丁语含有'genero Herpestes'的例句,带中文翻译:
1. Herpestes ichneumon是一种被广泛分布于非洲和欧洲的小型食肉动物,也被称作小鬣狗。
(Herpestes ichneumon is a small carnivorous animal widely distributed in Africa and Europe, also known as the Egyptian mongoose.)
2. Herpestes naso是一种相对罕见的鼬科动物,仅分布于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛。
(Herpestes naso is a relatively rare animal in the mongoose family, found only on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia.)
3. Herpestes fuscus比其他同属动物更加适应高寒气候环境,分布于印度喜马拉雅山脉。
(Herpestes fuscus is more adapted to cold climates than other animals in the same genus, found in the Himalayan Mountains of India.)
4. Herpestes semitorquatus的中文名为棕背鬣狗,分布于非洲东部和南部地区。
(Herpestes semitorquatus, also known as the sooty mongoose, is found in eastern and southern Africa.)
5. Herpestes edwardsii是鼬科动物中最为普遍的一种,分布于亚洲南部和东南部地区。
(Herpestes edwardsii, the Indian grey mongoose, is the most common mongoose in Asia, found in southern and southeastern regions.)
6. Herpestes javanicus属于鼬科动物中体型最大的一种,分布于东南亚地区。
(Herpestes javanicus, also known as the small Indian mongoose, is the largest mongoose in the family, found in Southeast Asia.)
7. Herpestes sanguineus是伊朗特有的一种鼬科动物,生活在伊朗的干旱草原地区。
(Herpestes sanguineus is a mongoose species endemic to Iran, living in the country's arid grasslands.)
8. Herpestes auropunctatus是最先在夏威夷引入的外来物种之一,现在广泛分布于岛屿之间。
(Herpestes auropunctatus, or the small Indian mongoose, is one of the first introduced invasive species in Hawaii and is now widespread among the islands.)
9. Herpestes vitticollis是鼬科动物中一种长着斑纹的鬣狗,在非洲东部分布广泛。
(Herpestes vitticollis, or the striped-necked mongoose, is a mongoose species with distinctive stripes found widely in eastern Africa.)