Eriophyes ribis是什么意思 Eriophyes ribis的读音、翻译、用法

Eriophyes ribis是什么意思 Eriophyes ribis的读音、翻译、用法

'Eriophyes ribis'这个词语源自拉丁语,意为“黑醋栗瘿螨”。它是一种常见的寄生虫,可造成黑醋栗叶片畸形、早落和果实减产等问题。

以下是9个含有'Eriophyes ribis'的例句:

1. Eriophyes ribis saginae的感染严重影响了黑醋栗的产量。(中文翻译:Eriophyes ribis saginae infection seriously affects the yield of black currants.)

2. 科学家们正在研究如何控制黑醋栗瘿螨Eriophyes ribis的传播。(中文翻译:Scientists are studying how to control the spread of Eriophyes ribis in black currants.)

3. 最好的防治措施是在黑醋栗叶片出现第一批小肿块时将Eriophyes ribis清除。(中文翻译:The best control measure is to remove Eriophyes ribis when the first batch of small nodules appears on black currant leaves.)

4. 这个地区的黑醋栗受到Eriophyes ribis的大规模感染。(中文翻译:Black currants in this area are heavily infected with Eriophyes ribis.)

5. 黑醋栗瘿螨Eriophyes ribis越来越多地对农民造成威胁。(中文翻译:Eriophyes ribis is increasingly becoming a threat to farmers.)

6. 这种寄生虫的传播途径尚不清楚,但Eriophyes ribis已经成为黑醋栗种植业的主要问题之一。(中文翻译:The transmission route of this parasite is unclear, but Eriophyes ribis has become one of the main problems in black currant cultivation.)

7. 黑醋栗瘿螨Eriophyes ribis会对果实形成产生不利影响。(中文翻译:Eriophyes ribis can have an adverse effect on the formation of black currant fruits.)

8. 这种瘿螨虫可以在黑醋栗叶片上存活并繁殖,而Eriophyes ribis需要通过芽孢或粉尘传播。(中文翻译:This mite can survive and reproduce on black currant leaves, while Eriophyes ribis needs to be transmitted through spores or dust.)

9. 除了控制Eriophyes ribis外,黑醋栗的其他病虫害也需要得到治理。(中文翻译:In addition to controlling Eriophyes ribis, other pests and diseases of black currants also need to be treated.)

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