'Gary Cooper'是英语词汇,翻译成中文为'加里·库珀',是20世纪美国著名男演员之一,曾在电影中塑造过多个经典角色,如《高海拔》、《无情荒野》等。他的表演风格实现了个性化表演的转向,以及更真实的角色呈现。'Gary Cooper'这个词语常被用来指代这位演员,也常用在与他相关的电影、文章等内容中。
以下是9个含有'Gary Cooper'的例句:
1. Gary Cooper was one of the most iconic film stars of the 20th century.(加里·库珀是20世纪最具标志性的电影明星之一。)
2. I watched a Gary Cooper movie last night, it was really good.(昨晚我看了一部加里·库珀的电影,真的很棒。)
3. The character played by Gary Cooper in 'High Noon' is a true American hero.(加里·库珀在《高中正午》中扮演的角色是一个真正的美国英雄。)
4. Many people consider Gary Cooper to be the epitome of masculinity.(许多人认为加里·库珀是男子气概的典范。)
5. In the 1940s, Gary Cooper's popularity was at its peak.(在xx年代,加里·库珀的人气达到了顶峰。)
6. The film 'Sergeant York', starring Gary Cooper, won an Academy Award in 1942.(由加里·库珀主演的电影《约克军士》在xx年赢得了奥斯卡金像奖。)
7. Gary Cooper's acting style was understated but powerful.(加里·库珀的表演风格低调而有力。)
8. The character played by Gary Cooper in 'The Fountainhead' represents individualism and freedom.(加里·库珀在《源泉》中扮演的角色代表个人主义和自由。)
9. The chemistry between Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman in 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' is undeniable.(在《丧钟为谁而鸣》中,加里·库珀和英格丽·褒曼之间的默契是不可否认的。)