Phytoreovirus是什么意思 Phytoreovirus的读音、翻译、用法

Phytoreovirus是什么意思 Phytoreovirus的读音、翻译、用法



1. This plant is infected with phytoreovirus, which caused its leaves to turn yellow.(这棵植物被植物副球形病毒感染,导致叶子变黄。)

2. The phytoreovirus is widely distributed in crops such as rice and wheat.(植物副球形病毒在水稻、小麦等作物中广泛分布。)

3. Scientists are working hard to find a way to control phytoreovirus infections.(科学家们正在努力寻找控制植物副球形病毒感染的方法。)

4. The symptoms of phytoreovirus infection include stunted growth and reduced yield.(植物副球形病毒感染的症状包括生长受阻和减产。)

5. The plant died due to severe phytoreovirus infection.(植物因严重的植物副球形病毒感染而死亡。)

6. Phytoreovirus can be spread through insects, soil, and contaminated equipment.(植物副球形病毒可以通过昆虫、土壤和污染的设备传播。)

7. The phytoreovirus outbreak caused significant damage to the local agriculture industry.(植物副球形病毒的爆发给当地农业产业造成了重大损失。)

8. Farmers should take measures to prevent phytoreovirus infections to protect their crops.(农民应该采取措施预防植物副球形病毒感染,保护作物。)

9. Phytoreovirus research is critical to maintaining global food security.(植物副球形病毒研究对于维护全球粮食安全至关重要。)

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