'Ramsay MacDonald'是英国的语言,可以翻译为“拉姆齐·麦克唐纳德”。
这个词语通常用于介绍英国历史上的一位重要人物,拉姆齐·麦克唐纳德(Ramsay MacDonald)是英国著名的劳工运动领袖、社会主义政治家和工党创始人之一。他曾两次当选英国首相,分别为xx年和xx年至xx年。
以下是9个含有'Ramsay MacDonald'的例句:
1. Ramsay MacDonald was the first ever Labour Prime Minister in the United Kingdom.(拉姆齐·麦克唐纳德是英国历史上第一位工党首相。)
2. MacDonald resigned as Prime Minister in 1924 following a scandal over Soviet spying.(麦克唐纳德在苏联间谍丑闻曝光后于xx年辞去了首相职务。)
3. Ramsay MacDonald was instrumental in founding the National Government in 1931.(拉姆齐·麦克唐纳德在xx年的成立全国政府中起了关键作用。)
4. MacDonald's leadership of the Labour Party was challenged by the left-wing faction.(麦克唐纳德的工党领导受到左翼派系的挑战。)
5. During his second term as Prime Minister, MacDonald faced widespread unemployment and economic depression.(在他第二次担任首相期间,麦克唐纳德面临着广泛的失业和经济萧条。)
6. Ramsay MacDonald's government introduced a series of welfare reforms aimed at helping the poorest in society.(拉姆齐·麦克唐纳德的政府推出了一系列的福利改革,旨在帮助社会上最贫困的人们。)
7. The British public was divided over MacDonald's decision to form a coalition government with the Conservatives in 1931.(麦克唐纳德xx年与保守党联合组阁的决定在英国公众中引起了分歧。)
8. MacDonald was a strong opponent of the policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany in the 1930s.(麦克唐纳德在xx年代是对纳粹德国的绥靖政策的坚定反对者。)
9. Ramsay MacDonald's legacy is still debated by historians and political analysts today.(拉姆齐·麦克唐纳德的遗产至今仍然是历史学家和政治分析人士争论的话题。)