Anurognathus是什么意思 Anurognathus的读音、翻译、用法

Anurognathus是什么意思 Anurognathus的读音、翻译、用法



1. Anurognathus是一种德国产的古代恐龙,具有小而精致的身体结构,以及羽毛和柔软的毛发。

Translation: Anurognathus是一种来自德国的古代恐龙,它的身体结构小巧精致,并且有羽毛和柔软的毛发。

2. 考古学家们在中国的几个侏罗纪地层中发现了Anurognathus的化石。

Translation: Archaeologists have found fossils of Anurognathus in several Jurassic strata in China.

3. Anurognathus的翅膀羽毛非常漂亮,可能起到了保温和展示的作用。

Translation: The wing feathers of Anurognathus are very beautiful and may have served both for insulation and display.

4. 这种翼龙的双足非常强壮,允许它能够在陆地上行走,而不仅仅是在空中飞翔。

Translation: The bipedalism of this pterosaur was so strong that it allowed Anurognathus to walk on land rather than just fly in the air.

5. Anurognathus是一种充满生命力的史前生物,它们可以在地面上和空中生活。

Translation: Anurognathus was a vibrant prehistoric creature that could live both on the ground and in the air.

6. Anurognathus是一个非常小的翼龙,只有成年人的手指那么大,但它拥有强大的翅膀和锋利的牙齿。

Translation: Anurognathus was a very small pterosaur, about the size of an adult's fingers, but it had powerful wings and sharp teeth.

7. 这种翼龙的牙齿呈匕首形,非常适合于捕食昆虫和小型脊椎动物。

Translation: Anurognathus' dagger-shaped teeth were perfect for preying on insects and small vertebrates.

8. Anurognathus是恐龙学家们深入研究的一个重要对象,可以帮助我们更好地了解侏罗纪时期生态系统的演变。

Translation: Anurognathus is an important subject of study for paleontologists and can help us better understand the evolution of Jurassic ecosystems.

9. Anurognathus在其生命中可能经历了多次食物短缺和环境变化,这对其生存和繁衍带来了挑战。

Translation: Anurognathus may have experienced multiple food shortages and environmental changes during its life, presenting challenges for its survival and reproduction.

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