1. 'Upupa epops'是拉丁语,意为欧风鸟,也就是我们常说的戴胜。
2. Upupa epops是一种体型独特的鸟类,身体鲜艳、喜欢吃昆虫,常常振开羽翼而起飞,同时会发出响亮的鸣叫声。
3. 例句1:Upupa epops在英文中的名字是Hoopoe。
翻译:The English name for Upupa epops is Hoopoe.
4. 例句2:Upupa epops是一种非常漂亮的鸟类。
翻译:Upupa epops is a very beautiful bird.
5. 例句3:Upupa epops的身体颜色很丰富。
翻译:The body color of Upupa epops is very rich.
6. 例句4:Upupa epops是夏季的常见鸟类。
翻译:Upupa epops is a common bird in summer.
7. 例句5:Upupa epops在飞行时发出悦耳的声音。
翻译:Upupa epops makes a pleasant sound when flying.
8. 例句6:Upupa epops常常在地上寻找食物。
翻译:Upupa epops often searches for food on the ground.
9. 例句7:Upupa epops在觅食时会用长嘴在地上掘洞。
翻译:Upupa epops uses its long beak to dig holes in the ground when foraging.
10. 例句8:Upupa epops被许多国家视为吉祥鸟。
翻译:Upupa epops is regarded as a lucky bird by many countries.
11. 例句9:Upupa epops的羽毛在日光下会发出特别的光芒。
翻译:Upupa epops feathers emit a special light in the sunlight.