1. La famille Thinocoridae contient environ 100 espèces. (法语,Thinocoridae科大约有100个不同的物种。)
2. Thinocoridae属于直翅目昆虫科。(中文,Thinocoridae is a family of orthopteran insects. )
3. Thinocoridaeは、広域に分布し、世界中の多様な地形に生息しています。(日语,Thinocoridae广泛分布于世界各地的各种地形上。)
4. Thinocoridae科虫子的特点是其具有非常长的后脚。(中文,The characteristic of Thinocoridae insects is that they have very long hind legs.)
5. Thinocoridae-класс насекомых, который обладает длинными задними ногами. (俄语,Thinocoridae是一种具有长腿的昆虫。)
6. 黃金蟋蟀是Thinocoridae的一種物種,也是同名電影的主角。(中文,The Golden Cricket is a species of Thinocoridae and is also the protagonist of the eponymous film.)
7. Thinocoridae la famille de sauterelles inclut des espèces de couleurs vives et de tailles différentes. (法语,The family of crickets, Thinocoridae, includes species of different colors and sizes.)
8. Thinocoridae科中一些蟋蟀可以通过收缩肌肉来发出声音。(中文,Some crickets in the Thinocoridae family can produce sounds by contracting muscles.)
9. Thinocoridae科的蟋蟀可以通过颤动翅膀来发出声音。(中文,Crickets in the Thinocoridae family can produce sounds by vibrating their wings.)