1. 'acedia'是拉丁语,中文翻译为“惰性”或“懒惰”。
2. 'acedia'是指一种身体和精神的疲倦和无聊感,通常导致行动迟缓或无积极性。
3. 例句1:Acedia在我身上蔓延开来,我无法自拔。(英语:Acedia spread over me and I was powerless to resist.)
4. 例句2:他因懒惰而沉迷于acedia的境地。(英语:He was trapped in a state of acedia because of his laziness.)
5. 例句3:她因为acedia而无力前行。(英语:She was powerless to move forward because of acedia.)
6. 例句4:acedia已经占据了他的身体和心灵。(英语:Acedia had taken hold of his body and mind.)
7. 例句5:他感到内心深处的acedia使他无法努力工作。(英语:He felt that the deep-seated acedia within him prevented him from working hard.)
8. 例句6:他的acedia阻碍了他的进步。(英语:His acedia hindered his progress.)
9. 例句7:即使他知道自己需要采取行动,他还是无法克服acedia。(英语:Even though he knew he needed to take action, he couldn't overcome acedia.)
10. 例句8:他的acedia让他感到生命的乏味。(英语:His acedia made him feel the dullness of life.)
11. 例句9:在acedia的影响下,他错过了很多机会。(英语:Under the influence of acedia, he missed many opportunities.)