dreadnought是什么意思 dreadnought的读音、翻译、用法

dreadnought是什么意思 dreadnought的读音、翻译、用法




1. The first dreadnought battlecruiser was launched in 1906. (第一艘无畏舰巡洋舰于xx年下水。)

2. The military's new dreadnought is a game-changer. (军方的新武器是颠覆者。)

3. The chess player made a dreadnought move, putting his opponent in checkmate. (这位国际象棋选手走了一个高妙的棋,将对手置于死局。)

4. The company's new CEO was a dreadnought in the business world. (公司的新CEO是商界的一位巨人。)

5. The dreadnought of a storm caused widespread damage. (暴风雨的力量造成了广泛的破坏。)

6. The dreadnought bass player was the backbone of the band's sound. (大力低音吉他手是乐队声音的支柱。)

7. The politician's speech was a dreadnought that swayed the public opinion. (政治家的演讲是一艘让公众意见发生变化的利器。)

8. The basketball player made a dreadnought dunk that shook the arena. (篮球运动员“扣篮”,震撼了全场观众。)

9. The dreadnought missile strike destroyed the enemy's base. (无畏舰导弹打击摧毁了敌人的基地。)

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