'Spondylocladium' 不是任何国家的语言,它是一种真菌的属名。这个词语的常见翻译是“脊柱小枝霉属”,它是一种产生黄曲霉素的真菌,常见于土壤和植物上。
1. Spondylocladium spp.是一种常见的真菌,生长在土壤上并对植物产生黄曲霉素污染。
(Spondylocladium spp. is a common fungus that grows on soil and contaminates plants with aflatoxins.)
2. Spondylocladium 属的真菌从多种来源中分离出来,其中包括食品和环境样品。
(Fungi of the genus Spondylocladium have been isolated from various sources, including food and environmental samples.)
3. 在农业生产中,Spondylocladium 属的真菌是一个严重的问题,因为它可以使庄稼不耐贮藏。
(In agricultural production, fungi of the genus Spondylocladium are a serious problem because they can make crops unsuitable for storage.)
4. Spondylocladium 属的真菌是一种强度较高的真菌,需要适当的处理才能控制其生长。
(Fungi of the genus Spondylocladium are highly virulent and require proper management to control their growth.)
5. 通过对土壤中的 Spondylocladium spp. 进行分离,我们可以发现从来没有被发现的真菌。
(By isolating Spondylocladium spp. from soil, we can discover fungi that have never been found before.)
6. Spondylocladium 属的真菌对环境有着严重的影响,并且必须采取措施来减少其对物种和生境的破坏。
(Fungi of the genus Spondylocladium have a serious impact on the environment and measures must be taken to reduce their damage to species and habitats.)
7. Spondylocladium 属的真菌可以在生物制剂的生产中被用来产生有益的酶。
(Fungi of the genus Spondylocladium can be used to produce beneficial enzymes in the production of bio-fertilizers.)
8. Spondylocladium 属的真菌除了产生黄曲霉素之外,还能产生其他的次生代谢产物。
(Fungi of the genus Spondylocladium can produce other secondary metabolites in addition to aflatoxins.)
9. 对于在实验室中进行培养的 Spondylocladium 属的真菌,需要提供适当的营养和适宜的生长条件。
(Fungi of the genus Spondylocladium cultivated in the laboratory require appropriate nutrition and suitable growth conditions.)